Twitter Reacts to Kyle Rittenhouse Acquittal
Friday afternoon a jury in Wisconsin ruled that Kyle Rittenhouse was not guilty of all charges brought against him after he admittedly killed two men and injured another after shooting them with an AR-15 rifle last summer during riots in Kenosha protesting the police shooting of Jacob Blake. We will have analyses and commentary as well as conversations with legal experts of our own to come next week, but for now take a look at some of the quick offerings online from some good minds.
I thought the verdict was making me angry. Then I read the response from liberals. Saying we need to vote, and hoping Rittenhouse turns his life around.
Now I've ascended to a new astral plane of pure white hot rage
Even at the height of their outrage, libs cannot process the reality that white supremacy maintains itself through bourgeois ideology and the mechanisms of the bourgeois state
Chrystul Kizer—17-yr-old Black girl in Wisconsin who killed the man raping & trafficking her
•Convicted & case is now in Appeals
Kyle Rittenhouse—17-yr-old white boy in Wisconsin who took an AR-15 to a protest & killed 2
The system isnt broken—it was built this way
‘Order, Order,’ Shouts Judge In Kyle Rittenhouse Case While Shooting AR-15 At Ceiling
Michael Brown was an unarmed 18-year-old. He was shot at least 6 times following an altercation, despite raising his hands in surrender.
Kyle Rittenhouse was an armed 17-year-old. He shot and killed 2 people with an AR-15. He walked away and was not found guilty.
This is so played out.
Kenosha County DA Michael Gravely (who didn't prosecute the cop who shot Jacob Blake and whose office pretty much threw this case) is a Democrat and Judge Bruce Schroeder (who presided over this trial) was appointed by a Democratic Governor.
Rep. Eric Swalwell @RepSwalwell
If I showed up unannounced and uninvited in your front yard with a gun and you came outside and tackled me because you were scared and I shot you, would that be self-defense? No? Then Kyle Rittenhouse is a murderer, period.
Verdicts like the Rittenhouse case are meant to discourage white people from being allies in the fight against racism. It’s how the system tells them if they choose to be an ally, they are in danger and won’t be protected. It’s meant to scare people into slowing the movement
“Thus grew up a double system of justice, which erred on the white side by undue leniency and the practical immunity of red-handed criminals, and erred on the black side by undue severity, injustice, and lack of discrimination.” - W.E.B. Du Bois, Souls of Black Folk (1903)
@KelDansby @EliasCepeda I can't stop think of Philando Castile, slaughtered in his car just for having a fully registered gun, just a couple hundred miles down the road from Kenosha
Good to know someone can just walk the street with a military grade weapon, shoot people and get away with it.
I’ll remember that when the next minority gets shot for reaching for their wallet and it’s perceived as a gun.
That's the problem, yes. They want to make it unimpeachably legal for vigilantes to kill protesters so the cops don't have to. They did it too.
Rittenhouse is not guilty, despite clearly acting without malice aforethought. The lesson here?
It's open season on BLM.
Communist Sailor Moon🌙🇬🇹 @communist_moon
Rittenhouse himself admitted pointing his gun at people. The video shows him clearly pointing his gun at people.
There's nothing undeterminable about either of those things.
He also stated his intent to kill people two weeks before the killings.
Easy case. Guilty.
🦆🦆 QQSS 💦💦 @AMobOfDucks